Spiritual Development Analysis


As you embark on your spiritual path, which if you have been guided to this website are highly likely to be beginning or continuing to explore yourself as Spirit beyond your 3rd dimensional form, it is useful to understand where you are at with connection to your Higher-Self (higher consciousness, intuition) which is the highest vibrational level at which we have awareness of ourselves. Our soul already exists on all dimensional levels and one vibration rate is not better than others. A fourth dimensional vibration rate means you higher self is at the same vibrational level as the ego which usually means that you are unable to distinguish between ego and higher self is identified as ego. Once this has shifted to the 5th dimension there is more awareness of the higher self and self as spirit. This reading allows you to understand your higher-self vibrational rate and what this means for you. Higher is not better as you are where you are meant to be to experience the lessons that you have chosen to have.

Souls have spheres of protection around them to help them make choices that are congruent with their divinity and purpose. They remind us to be in line with who we are. Negative choices made through free will erode the spheres of protection we have. The number you have lets you know how congruent your choices are to your divine self-expression. This reading allows you to know how many spheres you have and see if you wish to make any changes in your life or find out more about your Soul purpose to move closer towards this.

All souls are connected to the Source through their Godspark which is like a golden umbilical cord and comes from the centre of the sternum above the heart centre. This is how we receive vital force energy from Divine Source. If yours is damaged you will have less access to Source energy or your spark may be plugged into other powers that are not Divine source such as organisations, religions, corporations that may drain energy. Some people have secondary Godsparks as they make choices requiring extra energetic resources outside of their energy centres. Both primary and secondary Godsparks can show damage. This lets you know the health of your Godspark and if you have a secondary Godspark and where this is attached to.

The more we focus on creating what we want through intention and requesting spiritual help the more white lights we attract around us. These are multidimensional beings that transport our intentions and prayers into the universe. We can have up to 30 white lights and then we attract blue lights which are more powerful multidimensional beings that send intentions faster and louder. This lets you know how many white and blue lights you have so indicates how easy manifestation is likely to be for you at the moment.

A general energetic clearing is conducted with this reading.



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