Relationship Reading


SKU: N/A Category:

A report of your reading will be provided and referred to in your feedback session.

Insight into relationships is something we can all seek. Relationship contribute to our personal development and we can choose to incarnate with others to pursue our life lessons. Through who we relate to we learn who we are. This reading opens the records for two people and encourages them to regard each other from a Soul perspective through deepening their understanding of why they have chosen to experience each other and knowing the blocks and restrictions in the relationships. This can be a stand alone reading but is often really useful following the full Soul Realignment process. In this reading the Soul Profiles of both parties will be undertaken. The past lives that you have shared will be explored if any exist in addition to any shared Karma.

We can only read for people who are intimately connected unless we have the consent of both parties. If a relationship is over and someone is no longer in your life then we could not read from their records without their consent. Records can be accessed to understand the relationship from your perspective but this will not offer information from their actual record. This reading can be conducted between friends, lovers, family members, parents and children. Any kind of relationship can be analysed with consent if the connection is not intimate.



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