Soul Realignment Reading


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A full report of your reading will be provided.

This reading lets you know who you are at Soul Level but it also lets you have a clear understanding of why you are having your current experience and any difference between that and your Divinity or Soul’s purpose. We all create negativity in our lives through choice. Knowing the negative choices you have made previously will help you to make choices that are in line with your Soul’s purpose which make you feel healthier and creates a sense of abundance and fulfilment.  You learn about your Divine Gifts or energies that you have natural talents for and are abundant in.  You discover if your soul prefers to incarnate as male or female, you discover which planet your soul originally incarnated on and the accompanying characteristics that this has given you, you will find out your energy centre which is what you soul is most abundant in.  You will discover your soul specialisation which is the skill set you have for which you were innately designed.  You will find out how connected you are to your higher-self and intuition.  You will be given a soul story of any past lives that are negatively impacting your current incarnation.  All blocks and restrictions that are evident in your life currently are considered and energetically cleared in this reading to ensure you are guided to live your Soul’s purpose.  Soul level blocks can cause problems that present as repeating patterns in our lives and often standard therapeutic approaches have got nowhere with shifting these difficulties.

There are a number of different blocks that are checked for and explained to you in your report for example any past contracts or pacts we have made with others which are draining our energies now. The reading looks for any other energy drains such as negative entities (thought forms) attaching to you and ghosts and earthbound spirits that may be around.  The reading will consider any unjustified karma that is still with you that has already been processed and no longer needs to be with you. To complete the healing you will be set homework to enable you to integrate the healing at Soul level. This must be undertaken for 21 consecutive days after the clearing. After clearing you can still make negative choices that may require further clearing later in life and further blocks and restrictions may come up at a later stage. The reason for this is that we are unable to clear and target all blocks and restrictions at any one time as your body would go into a healing crisis whereby your physical form would struggle to adapt to the spirit level changes.  If difficulties emerge at a later stage you may consider having a Life Lesson Reading, Life Situation Reading or Relationship Reading.

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