Life Situation Reading


SKU: N/A Category:

A report of your reading will be provided and referred to in your feedback session.

Are you struggling with specific issues in your life like not sleeping, having issues in relationships, not feeling motivated to lose weight or exercise, not attracting clients to your business, finding it hard to face your day to day responsibilities?

A Life Situation Reading can be done for any issues that you are having in your life at this present moment that you would like clarity on and clearing. For this reading you will need to email everything that is going on in your life that you need to address even little things that cause you concern. The reading will get to the root cause of every concern. Groups of issues may have the same underlying theme with the same blocks and restrictions such as a Chakra imbalance or a property clearing or a hook where another person is draining energy from you. Whatever blocks and restrictions are found are then cleared at the 5th dimension you have homework to conduct at the 3rd dimension, so that the clearing is brought into your everyday consciousness.



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