Accelerating Acceptance – Fostering Self-Compassion


Lack of self-acceptance disempowers us.   The fears that we are not enough.  Not clever enough, not skinny enough, not beautiful enough, not funny enough and the list goes on.   From the basis of this lack of self-acceptance and the unconsciously high standards we place ourselves under, we take away our power to reach our potential and full sense of joy.  This impacts relationships, creativity, work, leisure, health, wealth and spirituality.  How different might your life be if you thought you were enough?  Do you expect of others what you expect of yourself?  Is your compassion for those around you far greater than from yourself?  If so this online workshop is for you.

This workshop helps you recognise self-limitation and puts you on the road to reclaiming your power. Take back the wheel of your life and be a driver rather than a passenger, in a vehicle of the unconscious mind.  With your power back firmly in your hands, your new growth and maximum potential is there for the picking!

We meet for three hours online to kick start this process.  We look at how and why we can disempower ourselves by non-acceptance and self-criticism.  We look at what your unmet needs are in life and how you might fulfil these.  We get to know your inner critic and hear about what function they serve.  We think about concepts of perfectionism and procrastination and how these link to self-acceptance.  You will leave the workshop accepting where you are at in your process of self-acceptance with a map for your ongoing journey to reaching your full potential.

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