
Welcome to Hummingbird Health and Healing, a multidimensional hub for empowering others to reach their potential. Targeting health and well-being with a multipronged approach balancing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies in a holistic way.
The Hummingbird symbolises enjoyment of life and lightness in being. They are small but fast creatures who lift above negativity expressing joy and love in their flight. They are adaptable, resilient, playful and optimistic. In flight, they change direction smoothly and swiftly gliding from one place to the next. The Hummingbird encourages us to pursue our dreams and to find the grace to weather any storm that may blur our vision. They are also considered to be a symbol of healing. Their wings move in a figure of eight, the symbol of infinity. For me this represents the timelessness of our soul awareness. They make this movement hovering in the present, indicating that the only time we ever have is now. Now is your time!
How I Work
I aim to pull the threads together of all of my trainings and life experience in order to work with all aspects of the self, providing individuals with the tools to not only walk a smoother path through life but to fly. This is not to say there will not be challenges and obstacles, but with a strong inner compass those times can be navigated and we can understand their purpose.
Even when undertaking the more spiritual and less scientific approaches, I like to provide comprehensive feedback and/or reports so you have something to return to and have a sense of understanding the processes that I have gone through in order to form any narrative that I may have shared with you. I value transparency in methodology. My clinical background and training means I can assist you with any difficulties or trauma in your current life or past lives that you require assistance with, in a professional and safe manner.
I run a number of workshops online and ad-hoc in person sessions in Kent and London or other locations by arrangement. My approach is informal and open to differing views, as the teaching I offer also provides me with valuable lessons. I do not wish to present as any kind of expert or person with “special gifts” as I perceive we all have the potential to self-heal at all levels of existence and create our own reality, living a life we desire. My hope is to share my awareness of how to harness that potential and ground it in our everyday lives. This theme of ‘making it real’ transcends all of the services I offer.
I feel I am down to earth in my presentation of the things we cannot gain proof for and I express a view that belief is a choice. In my mind, if we believe something and it helps us and does no harm to self or others, then that’s okay. I really resonate with a quote from Stuart Chase (economist and author) around belief. He says:
I am inspired by the following words of the Dalai Lama in my approach:
Enjoy browsing the website and we hope to hear from you soon.