Dr Tracy King - Biography

Having spent 23 years working in therapeutic arenas as a Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and Clinical Psychologist within the NHS and in private practice I experienced what I like to term as a “spiritual re-awakening” that has led to the formation of Hummingbird Health and Healing – A multidimensional hub for empowering others to reach their potential.
During childhood I was very spiritually aware and felt connected to guides that protected me on a number of occasions from accidents such as; an avoidance of an unexploded grenade in the woods, avoidance of a car crash through being too sick to travel with my mother to work and avoidance of confrontation with burglars in my home due to my family being exhausted as I had been awake all night being sick. I now know that this was the Spirit Guide Malache from my team whose role is to offer me assistance with Bravery and Faith and communicates with me through physical sensation. As a child I just sensed an energy but did not really know what this was. I was simply aware that I felt unwell and I felt compelled to listen to the message of my body.
I also recall feeling able to connect with the energy of the guides of others to have a sense of “knowing” about their life lessons and often adapting my own behaviours in a way that I perceived helped to facilitate these. I always had an acceptance of death as I believed that nothing really leaves but just changes form and we simply have to accept this and learn to tune into the frequency of that changed form.
I have generally always felt secure at my core and have felt that I am well protected and well guided. My grandmother was a very spiritual individual who followed a Christian religion but also had influences from Buddhist traditions with a mix of many crosses and Buddhas around the home. She was very open to positive affirmations and would awake each morning with a sense of gratitude for her life. She taught me that if you want something you state the intent and believe it will happen. I would often go to her and say “tell me that this will go the way I want it to” and she would say it would. The fact that she said it would made me believe it would and on most occasions it actually would.

This linked in with a quotation that I heard as a teenager when watching the beauty pageant, ‘Miss World’:
I felt a sense of wonderment about the possibilities that this offered us in our human experience. With the power of thought and belief as my backdrop, I continued to explore other dimensions with my grandmother and we would read Tarot Cards together and play telepathy games. I felt there was a whole host of unused potential in our minds that we were only just touching upon. I remember having an experience in a French multiple choice exam where I suddenly looked down at my paper and all the answers were already completed. I felt very confused as I could not recall being asked the questions but knew I had coloured in the relevant circles. As I reflected on this, the questions began to be read out loud and as I crossed checked my pre-written answers and they were the same as I would have responded, given my existing knowledge. I had simply answered them prior to being asked.
I wonder if this was influenced by my now known guide of Fleur from France who has been with me from Birth to offer me assistance with Strength and Acceptance and I am left fascinated by the many questions that I have which can never be answered in a 3rd dimensional concrete manner but require a leap of faith in choice of belief.
From these experiences, I offered guidance to friends and family through the use of Tarot and reading of objects (psychometry), often picking up on spirit and delivering messages from loved ones passed on. I just thought this was fun, as it came so easy, almost as if it was something I was simply inventing, as it often felt that way. I would have a free flow of information that would come to me and if asked to repeat myself I would struggle as I really had no idea what I had just said.
I have since learned that this is channelling and I am tapping into guidance from other dimensions and being the messenger to the earthly plane. I then became involved in undertaking readings for money when at University the first time round and for around eight years post-university. This was simply through word of mouth without advertising. I undertook evenings at corporate events and really enjoyed the benefit that clients appeared to gain from the guidance offered. The guidance was mixed with what may be called intuitive coaching and skills of mediumship. My own process during these times was about learning to have faith in my own abilities and trusting my intuition enough to bypass my conscious mind.
I recall one early reading that brought up a problem within a marriage that was present for the client. She looked very young and my conscious mind was telling me she was too young to be married. I therefore adapted the information that I received and said that it was linking to her parents’ marriage. At the end of the reading she told me everything was accurate but that it was her marriage and not that of her parents.
The lessons learned were to stop over-thinking, never assume and deliver verbatim messages with detachment from judgement. My Ego drive to “get it right” could stand in the way of the accuracy of information. This was supported in a later reading where I adapted my responses and told a client that she would soon be leaving the country to travel with her husband to New York due to his work. She was adamant that this was wrong as he did not travel for his work and never had. However I stuck to my message and said that this was what I was given. A week later I saw her and she told me they were leaving for New York as his company had set up a new branch of their business. This was a re-affirmation of my faith in the information that I channelled. This period in my life was when a guide Sasha was recruited to my team to help in the development of my intuition. My primary abilities at that time were Claircognizance, a sense of knowing and Clairsentience, a sense of feeling.
Picking up on feelings has been something that has been very strong for me from a young age. I remember being taken to the circus and finding the whole experience overwhelming to be in a crowd of people that all laughed simultaneously at the activities of the clown. From my mother’s reports I sat stony faced and when asked I told her I was enjoying the show. As an adult, I felt similar feelings in crowds and would struggle watching team sport if everyone cheered together if a goal or point was scored. This began to make sense to me in my twenties when I was at a Craft Fayre and slightly manic looking man in a wizard outfit came running across the field towards me shouting “You’re an Empath!”. I hadn’t really understood the term prior to this and I don’t even think I fully understood the impact of the concept upon myself until a few years ago. An Empath is basically someone who feels the feelings of others.
Having researched it more I can connect with the following other known traits: A sense of knowing; Public places can be overwhelming; Taking on the emotions of others; Not wishing to read newspapers or watch the news as the cruelty of the world can feel unbearable; Ability to tell if others are lying and to read incongruences between the spoken word and the underlying feelings; Picking up on the physical symptoms of others and often experiencing them; Looking out for the underdog and fighting their corner; Strangers, friends and loved ones are drawn to you to tell you all of their difficulties; Drawn to holistic practices and all things metaphysical; Are not easily shocked or afraid as they have already had an awareness of that which is likely to come; Strong creativity and vivid imagination; Love of nature and animals and being outdoors; Need for solitude from a young age; Bored or easily distracted if not stimulated often daydreaming or doodling; Finds it impossible to do things you do not enjoy; Very free spirited, finds it hard to commit to being in one place all the time for work as routines and rules feel imprisoning; Kind and tolerant of others but struggles to be around egotistical people who put themselves first and refuse to consider the points of views of others; Excellent listener who tends not to talk about themselves much unless they know someone genuinely cares; Can really feel the days of the week e.g. the heaviness of returning to work and leaving their family on a Monday
All of this described my traits exactly and as I matured I became more naturally able to protect myself from feeling overwhelmed by those around me through grounding myself in nature and using visualization techniques. I can now tolerate crowded places more but still choose not to attend sporting events as I really do not like the feel of the wave of intense emotion if for example a goal is scored at a football match.
It seemed from this foundation that I naturally developed an interest in therapies generally and went along a route of initially training as a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist. The latter had a broad range of therapeutic application of the use of altered states of consciousness to facilitate behavioural changes in many areas from phobias, weight loss, accelerated learning, past life regression and spiritual development to invoking lucid dreaming (ability to be active in your dreams and re-write content). My own dreams have been a source of regular pre-cognition, particularly if I set the intent for them to be so. I now know I have a guide who communicates to me through dreams and although Spirit Guides do not specifically know the future in other realms the restriction of time does not exist and as such the future is already happening and all possibilities of outcomes are in co-existence.
I approached this training with an open but questioning mind seeing the utilisation of hypnosis but wondering if it could work on me. However I took from this the importance of the conscious and unconscious split in the mind as under hypnosis I experienced behavioural responses that appeared involuntary e.g. a swinging of legs in a regressed manner and a change of voice tone as I spoke as a 5 year old whilst still having the conscious thoughts of being in my twenties and wondering if I was once more making it all up!
I went on from Hypnotherapy to work in prisons and with victims of crime as I felt drawn to understand reasons why the human psyche chose to harm others and also to understand the resiliency and fragility of the human psyche for those who had been harmed. Victim and persecutor were often one in the same as victims could be persecutors and persecutors could be victims all within a context of traumatic experience that the soul needed to process. Wishing to study this in more depth I moved to taking a Psychology Degree, a Masters Degree in Forensic Psychology and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. This turned my outlook to a more left brained scientific focus. However I still read my own angel cards at this point along with continuing to read for friends. I would often be in the right place at the right time in terms of furthering my psychological career leading me to believe this was the right path for me to take.
I have worked in forensic areas in the NHS and within the prison service and low, medium and secure hospitals including Broadmoor. I gained a strong understanding of the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of the human psyche and the many clinical presentations developing from a variety of life experiences. I have specialised in trauma treatments and continue to work as a Clinical Psychologist offering therapy and assessment working in an Expert Witness capacity and although independent, often representing the unheard voices in society.
During this period of life I had some strong psychic experiences which although, less regular than previously (a reduction I perceive that was also partly due to my growing exploration of the human experience of motherhood) were very intense and seemed to be purposeful in terms of opening the minds of those enquiring. The experiences were often in social situations with people ‘testing’ the possibilities of such beliefs of skills.
Experiences allowed me to offer specific personal data on lost items of jewellery and their locations, places that couples had met and the nature of first dates, particular childhood fairy stories read to people and names of those who read them along with having an ability to describe the layouts and colours of the rooms of the homes of partners of those I read for. I took from this the lesson that evidential information such as this appears to come in situations that are important for the soul evolution of the person that I have read for and perhaps also a reminder of my own spiritual pathway.
I then found myself enrolling on a course for Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to support my existing trauma practice skills. This technique works with the meridian energy points of the body. The underlying premise being that emotional disturbance impacts the physical and thoughts impact the emotions bringing me full circle back to the message that the thought really does count! I found EFT a powerful tool in my clinical practice for accelerating healing and was intrigued to also practice what was known as proxy-healing or distance healing with the technique both on people and properties. This course felt a stepping stone between the scientific aspects of my work with some empirical research having been conducted on the method and the more non-tangible, non-measurable aspects of the spiritual world.
It was not long after this training that I reconnected with an old childhood friend who actively re-ignited me accessing angel cards on a day to day basis and inspired me to reflect more on my spiritual origins as she recalled my childhood abilities. We laughed as in our teenage years we had experienced an earlier chance meeting outside the tube station ‘Angel’ having not realised the symbolic significance of that meeting despite both being avid attenders to the synchronicities of life. My active interest in working with the Angelic Kingdom then increased and I began to communicate with angels more explicitly. I also took courses in Angel Card Reading, Mediumship and Remote Viewing and was reassured that the methods taught for readings were techniques I had intuitively used since childhood. I had always said I am unable to verbalise what each card means in isolation as the energy that vibrates from the cards and the meaning of the symbolism in each card can be different depending on who I have sitting before me and what story the groupings of cards decide to tell me.
Simultaneously through dream messages I was led to Angelic Reiki Healing deepening my connection with the Angelic Kingdom as this method of healing channels the energy of Angels and other beings of light. The attunements offered in this training broadened my psychic abilities further and taught me that we are led to the Spiritual Teachers that are right for us at that given time. I had emailed a number of teachers for information on courses and had not received a response over a period of two weeks. Then one evening the same friend that led me back into spiritual work was at my home talking about eye colours. Another friend responded “I am Hazel”. This was an odd rather humorous response that we all laughed at but I instantly had the thought that I needed to train with someone called Hazel. I used the internet to search listings of accredited Angelic Reiki Trainers and found a Hazel. I emailed and said to my then husband “she will answer me in a minute, just wait”, and indeed she did. My Master Teacher of Angelic Reiki was previously a Lawyer and as such this enabled me to further understand the left and right brain switch and the shift.

From Angelic Reiki training I was led to exploring further workshops of channelling and developed a real interest in understanding the purpose each of our souls have in this incarnation. Much of the healing work I have undertaken has been on a multi-dimensional level picking up on past lives and being given the privilege of seeing those in my ‘mind’s eye’ if they are relevant to the person’s current life experiences. I then attended a local spiritual store and engaged in some further ‘one to one’ mediumship development training. During session two I was asked to give my Trainer an Angel Card and Mediumship reading and I offered some evidential connection with a passed over relative of hers. She said she could not offer me any further development and offered me a job as a reader in her store. I did not take her up on this as knowing my Empath trait of struggling with rules and regulations of being employed somewhere, I would struggle to commit to work for anyone else in one specific place, on a regular basis even for a few hours per week.
Following my first spiritual development session I became familiar with a Spirit guide Eric who offered me protection and the ability to speak my truth and he provided me evidence of his existence in bringing my attention to his awareness of earlier conversations in my day. He did this through drawing my attention to written material that had verbatim phrases from my earlier conversations. Eric enabled me to deliver a spontaneous message to a Beautician regarding a recent rescue dog that she had acquired. I could clairvoyantly see this dog becoming distressed in the evenings as he was left in her kitchen in a basket that was far too big for him. He was fearful and would cry and bark and he had been physically abused by the prior owner. He felt lost and unsafe in the huge basket. I advised that she either get a smaller basket or roll up towels to put in the basket to make him feel more secure and also move his bed into their hallway. I felt compelled to deliver this information and the Beautician confirmed that two days previously she had acquired a dog that they kept in the kitchen and was not sleeping. I am not sure of the outcome of the advice given but think the experience was for my own personal learning, as it enabled me to display my own abilities that I could sometimes doubt. I would not perceive it is usually appropriate to deliver spontaneous messages, as this is uncontained and has not involved a process of consent for those being read for and there has not been an intention set on the reader’s part that they will be engaging in this kind of practice. Without consent or intent I perceive the risk is that inaccurate information can be received that may be ill-timed and inappropriate. My belief is that any kind of spiritual work must remain grounded and focused to be of value and uncontrolled impressions are, in my view, at risk of being influenced by many variables that reduces their usefulness and could contribute to further concerns.
From my healing work I was drawn to studying access of the Akashic Records, which in brief, is believed to be an energetic storage of all of our experiences and lessons in all incarnations. I learned a framework of understanding soul purpose and origin through a method known as ‘Soul Realignment’ which felt meaningful to me. This method of divination told me that my soul had its first incarnation in another galaxy which as far out as this may seem, offered me a description of character traits that seemed to fit. I could question this with scientific knowledge of information processing and how we filter that which we do not want to believe and attend to that which we do but I have chosen not to do this and I see belief is a matter of free will. If it is functional to believe something and it does no harm to self or others, then I would see it is of benefit and if it is not then perhaps that is a belief we may consider changing. I am apparently from the Blueprinter Soul Group and the physical location of planetary origin of this group is unknown. Blueprinters are star travellers through the galaxy and continue to explore new possibilities for 3rd dimensional expression. This group are reported to have engineered the human experience as a place for Divine self-expression. They assist in the rapid evolution of consciousness through genetic engineering or education. Most leaps forward in civilisation are thought due to the influx of Blueprinters. They incarnate in order to further evolve consciousness. They wish to explore what happens when consciousness is combined with the physical human body and the physical drivers this has. They are here to study, enjoy and advance the human experience.
I am specifically a Blueprinter Deliverer which is a Soul that participates in the human experiences to promote consciousness. I was said to be among the first souls to incarnate into a human physicality and my role is to make sure everyone has access to greater consciousness. The job description as such is about promoting this particularly in the less conscious aspects of society. Blueprinter Deliverers are often healthcare workers, social workers, educators or working for charities. Blueprinters have an innate awareness that we are creators of our own experiences through thought and choice, as I did from a young age and we want to make sure this is understood by others. Blueprinters need to be careful not to exhaust themselves trying to help others who do not wish to help themselves. I have learned this lesson through my own experiences.
We each also have Soul Specialisations which are additional clues to our Divine Gifts and Soul Purpose. Soul Specialisations are a skill set that we have innately. It tells us what gifts and talents are embedded in our soul from the point of Divine Creation. Most souls have one or two specialisations. My own Soul Specialisation is known as the Fourth Order which means I am skilled in assisting others in understanding their potential lessons in human experiences. I am primed to help others process their experiences and understand how they created those experiences maybe as the only way they could survive. I am said to and in fact do attract lots of people who want to talk to me wherever I go and this is indeed the crux of my chosen career as a Psychologist and my evolvement or remembrance of my role as a Healer and Teacher. It is important that those from the Fourth Order do not feel an overarching sense of responsibility for those they assist. This has been a battle that I can equate with.
I have a second Specialisation as a Keeper of Neutrality. This means I am a natural peacekeeper. I often find myself acting as a mediator between two people or groups at loggerheads with each other. Professionally I try to balance Science and Spirit. I am said to be naturally non-judgmental and neutral and not easily shocked. This again supports me in any therapeutic approach. However people with these skills can have trouble in tuning into their own likes and dislikes as they are so busy attending to everyone else’s. In the past this was true for me. When this happens, it can block manifestation as the energy directed to intent is far less. I have been aware of this in my own existence if I am caught up in mediating the dramas of those around me.
We also each have an Energy Centre to our Soul which is what it is made of and the qualities our Soul has that will lead to the most fulfilment and abundance for us. My own Energy Centre is Divine Self-Expression, which is the ability to self-express and be authentic. This is all about communication. My Soul’s purpose is to be a Spiritual Teacher and a natural channel of the written and spoken word. I have achieved this to date through therapeutic practice, day to day interactions and my Expert Witness reports and delivery of Oral Evidence in Court. I also have numerous empirical research articles published, book chapters, newspaper features and poetry over the years. I currently contribute as a regular writer to Elephant Journal and am awaiting publication of a childrens book around the power we hold within ourselves.
These are places I feel I have really made a difference and feel in complete alignment with my Soul’s purpose. My Energy Centre suggests that I excel at helping others change at the level of their thoughts and beliefs by showing them alternative ways of looking at life which again is the underlying tenet of the therapies that I offer and is also my innate knowledge of the power of thought from a young age. This knowledge was reinforced in adulthood when I was in the same spiritual shop that I undertook some mediumship training, with the same school friend. I was glancing at the second hand books and was drawn to a title ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’ by Masaru Emoto, that evidences the power of thought and the energy of words on forming aesthetically pleasing crystals in water if the words were positive and producing spikier sharper formations if the thoughts or words were negative. This book contained a message for the original owner in the front that said “Dear Soulmate Tracy Safe and Wonderous Journeys always. Be the change you want to see in the world. Become all you’re born to become”. I saw this as a message for me too. Something that was important for me to communicate to others.

From that point, I took what I felt were two wonderous journeys, travelling alone. The first journey was to the summit of Kilimanjaro and taught me two lessons. The first was that what lays ahead, from a distance seems far more insurmountable than it does when you reach what you feared. The second was the importance of staying in the present, focusing on every footfall and breath. I experienced altitude sickness on both hikes and this mindful approach helped me to tolerate my physical pain and discomfort.
My own self-practice of yoga, meditation and self-hypnosis for a number of years assisted with my capacity to focus on breath and stay in the moment with body awareness. Allowing my breath to take me to the edge of my physical capabilities. Willpower being the driving force beyond any physical fitness I may have had. Kilimanjaro was an impromptu trip and I had not hiked any mountain prior to booking it. I also recalled a previous adverse experience in my life when a horse I rescued impaled himself on a fence post. I knew we would lose him when I saw him. he managed to get free but to ease his pain prior to the vet attending to let him go, I had to stop him from rolling. I wedged myself behind him in the hope that this would be enough, it was not, as you might imagine, but may have reduced his suffering a little. There were times I was kicked and rolled over. During this incident my focus was on his pain and I did not feel my own. I was extremely shocked at the degree of bruising that I had later that day. The lessons here were that not everything can be saved and that the strength we can access and our pain tolerance can be way beyond what we ever imagined when in adverse scenarios. Therefore, with conscious awareness I see we can connect with these untapped areas of resource prior to any adversity.
My second wonderous journey was following a marital separation and I travelled to Peru taking the Salkantay Trek incorporating some of the Inca Trail and Machu Pichu. I then spent some time with a Shaman (Q’ero lineage) experiencing a Despacho ceremony (prayer offering to mother earth) and a reading of Coco Leaves in a temple of the Moon. I experienced past life memories of being on the Inca Trail before as I sat against the wall of the cave in the temple. I was told in the reading I had that I would be alone for a very long time and should focus on my work. In my head I remember thinking ‘f*** that” as I enjoy being in relationship with others. A few days later back at my hotel I was reading oracle cards on my balcony and two hummingbirds flew so close to me. I had wanted to capture them on camera but if I moved, I would scare them, so I chose to stay in the experience and feel their joy and timeless nature. That evening I sat by the fire outside and I met a couple who invited myself and my daughter for a helicopter flight on our return to England. We organised this flight on our return meeting them at a café called “The Hummingbird”. A month or so later I received a call from my Irish family to say they had met that very same couple and were flying to Switzerland with them. I was starting to wonder what these synchronicities meant. I then met my current partner two months after returning from Peru. He then told me he used to work at the same airport and have lunch in The Hummingbird Café.
Aside from the multiple synchronicities in this story I also felt I learned that we could chose our timelines. I felt that the future the Shaman had seen for me was one option. My anger or shock inside at the prospect of a life alone had shifted that. I think free will, allows us to create our own destiny – in this case a challenging timeline to change in a locked down Covid world was that was follow after I met my new partner.
Times of adversity are often our biggest opportunity for growth. I utilised this time for further study in areas of Shamanic Energy Healing, Health and Nutrition Coaching, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Yoga Coaching, Shamanic Coaching, Women’s Empowerment Coaching, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Breathwork, Meditation and Yoga Teacher Training all of which have made huge differences to how I approach the obstacles in my life and manage any potential stressors. I love to learn and to scaffold other ways of working to inform current practice.
The Yoga work has also solidified my understanding of the importance of the energy of words, with ancient Sanskrit teachings and chanting. I continue to study advanced sound healing. Sound has an amazing ability to heal and raise our vibration or lower it depending on what we are listening to. I attend regular gong baths/sound healing sessions and find it’s a great way for healers specifically to heal and clear their energy fields.
I have seen so many synchronicities in life that give meaning to me but another pivotal one that led to the prompting to take action and create one hub of services was a visit from my 18 year old daughter asking me about the concept of “one consciousness”. I was telling her about my understanding and own thoughts about how we were all one and then we separated to learn self-awareness through our interactions with others and how this is reflected back to us. Eventually we learn to step outside of ego (that which separates us) and realise once more that we are all one. We then went on to talk about crystals, as we often do, and she said she wanted some Fluorite as she liked how it looked. I had a Fluorite wand and I showed her this. I placed it back down on the side and it fell breaking in two. I said she could have half and I would keep half. I commented on how it was funny as the wand had been one then became two, but could be one again.
We then looked up the reported meaning of the energy of Fluorite crystal and it was said to be linked to the concept of one consciousness. So far I had offered services in a separate way rather as a hub of resources linked to the one core concept of realising the potential we store within.
Jacques Bolvin said:
So the purpose of my holistic health and healing business is really to live my soul’s purpose and continue to serve the world through my gifts that come not only from the scientific side of life but also the more creative and intuitive side. I am not one to preach my own set of beliefs to others and in fact it has been difficult for me to speak my truth and outline my journey here. However as I said before, for me belief is a choice. I think we try it and if it serves us well, we stick with it and if it does not we discard it. I believe we are all here to have a human experience and as such that is grounded on earth with all the difficulties that the Ego may bring to us. Nonetheless we need the Ego to survive this earthly plane and in fact it holds the key to our learning in the polarities it brings. By accessing the unconscious mind we can begin to learn ways of stepping outside of that Ego and not being controlled by its drivers with unawareness. Losing ourselves in the delights of the spiritual realm is not what we are here for. However, to acknowledge our infinite connection with spirit and the sense of self-empowerment that this can bring, for me, is something that ensures that we can experience our human incarnation to its full potential.
The lesson here being everything is connected and we are never really alone. Science shows us that humans and the galaxy have about 97% of the same kind of atoms. We are stardust. My role is not to foster any sense of dependence but to enable any work we do together to be something you can continue without the need for a lifetime of external guidance. I wish to re-ignite the light of your inner star quality and teach you to keep that light burning bright.
With love and gratitude,